Idea for powerup/special feature: when at max triangle ammo drop all triangles around you at once.
Outline before dropping
After dropping triangles
Currently players find that producing lots of triangles at once only enables them to capture quick moving enemies or keep enemies away momentarily. This would create a temporary shield and capture anything nearby at the cost of losing all triangles at once.
I've had to update all the Trino UI graphics into an HD friendly format. After re-making the winning game over screen, and needing a higher resolution (HD), I decided to re-make the game over screen that players see after loosing the game.
Seems that very iconic stuff is a bad thing (like the level shape). the original hex pattern is ideal because its a pattern with small repeatable shapes. Also what really works is placing stuff either in the center of the texture or the corners (since the background is tiled)
I recently started picking up flash (after a long haitus since flash 8) and decided to try out rendering stuff. So here's that battlefield i made back in april (
show players that they have triangle "ammo" and can make shapes/triangle fans (far right) im hoping the small bar at the top visually communicates that there's a connection between the EP bar and the triangle ammo
get players to notice time (i hope its visible)
make "lives" clear
Removed the "Lv7" or character level title from the EP bar.
Debating on whether or not to make each character level reflected in the triangle ammo. First game level requires 2 triangles. so maybe show a square?
Here's a bit of fun I had with the Trino logo for the tshirt. Guess i got bitten by the print design bug. Finally got around to getting some descent silk screening supplies so i think i'll print some myself haha :D
Since this is my first blog (i've been using the internet since 1993 -_-) i figured i'd throw up an 'about me' post for those that do find this blog. but i'm lazy so you can check my about page on my website:
Forgot to post a soldier model i slapped together for fun. I tried to be as low poly as possible but still have enough for proper skinning/rigging. Texture size is 10KB with 8 colors and 64x64 pixels.
After using blogger for keeping track of a game project (Trino!) I finally broke down and created one for myself. Its basically a lazy way for me to post new art or small game projects without touching my portfolio website. So without further ado, some art:
This is a small environment I created literally in 14 hours. It was engineered to fit within the DS hardware spec: fit inside 512KB texture memory (2 textures of 256x256, 16colors at 76KB total), function without texture filtering, and under 10K tris.